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The House of R'yleh: Part 1

Updated: Jun 25, 2022

Tuesday 23rd November 1923

Six weeks had passed since we buried Freddie's mother Josephine at the Kensal Green Cemetary. She finally succumbed to the polio that had made her final years a struggle. We had arranged to meet Freddie, who we had not seen since the funeral, in the Princess Victoria Public House on the Uxbridge Road and were looking forward to spending some time with our ebullient chum.

It was quite the shock when the normally dapper Freddie burst into the boozer looking somewhat worse for wear. Ginger immediately ordered a double whiskey for Freddie and he gulped it down, desperate to tell us his story...

"I can't believe that they would do such a thing, to my poor old mum who never hurt a fly. I was just browsing in the pawnbrokers for a bit of something for my gilrfriend Sophie, you know the one from the bank I was telling you all about. Anyway, I popped into Stokes Pawnbrokers, the one on the Fulham Road, and there I spotted it... My mum's silver locket... the one I put in the casket with her when we buried her. I had it out with the bloke, questioned him, but all he wanted was 15 nicker. What sort of man would steal an old woman's locket from her dead body?"

Read more at the session blog

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